The poor thing is in a bad condition with open wounds. When she was taken to the vet, everyone suspected that she might be expecting, but upon conducting X-rays, it turned out that she wasn’t pregnant after all.

At the moment, she is receiving medication and fluids with the hope that a fresh x-ray will provide improved results. Her lungs were bruised and there was a risk of her intestines getting ruptured, which could have resulted in euthanasia. Additionally, her blood count is alarmingly low and a transfusion is necessary.

Bri decided to give her companion the name Stella as they embark on a mission to help her regain her confidence. She was provided with a comfortable bed and covered with a luxuriously soft blanket, which might be a first-time experience for her.

Our current goal is to ensure that she recovers and relocate her from the dreadful environment she was once in.

“Stella, you’ve managed to charm your way into everyone’s hearts. We all love you dearly.”

Stella is now enjoying a beautiful existence under the care and love of her new adoptive mother. It is all thanks to the iPittytheBull Foundation for their assistance and support in taking care of this precious being.